Wednesday, October 29, 2008

MY World Journal Post (7)

Another post from my grandfathers journal.

Wednesday: September 29, 1971

It was a beautiful Spring day in May 1939, our spring vacation from school. My two cousins came over to play with me (Edwin and Alfred). Edwin suggested we go to Revere Beach and spend the day there. I was sort of hesitant at first because my mother told me to stay around the house. Alfred kept calling me a sissy and a ma-ma's boy. In my anger, I went with them.
We did not go to Revere, instead we played tag at the freight yard. The freight yard had four lines of tracks running parallel with one another. All the tracks were full of freight cars.
Like boys we climbed up to the top of the car and we began to jump from one train to another. We began a game of tag and my cousin began to chase me. In my excitement, I started to climb down the ladder of the train, but missed the first rung and fell backwards onto the cement pavement below.
A feeling of awe come over me, followed by a dull sensation in my left arm. I became very frightened and I cried uncontrollably. For some strange reason I tried to lift my left arm with my right hand only to have my are fall, like it did not belong to my body.
Then a new fear came over me, my mother, I thought, she told me to stay around the house and I didn't, she's going to kill me. Little did I know that I was entering into a whole new world of pain, anxieties and fear.

This journal entry starts off an interesting segments of other entries. I will do my best to post them in order.


  1. If LilGuns gets an adventurous, rebellious streak in him, you'll know where he gets it from ;)

  2. Well, that sort of left us have to let us know how it ends.

    (...I see a stint in Boy's Town on the horizon)
