Winter has felt very strong this year. Many snow storms, each requiring manual labor with my ol' snowblower. 10-horsepower mind you, not those wimpy 8hp deals. No sir, my machine is a real beast only to be wielded by men and trained oxen. For a while there I was feeling pretty beat down by all the effort and not having any fun with it. At the time I just figured the funk was from either all the snow storms and labor to move it or some other rut, work maybe.
One evening I was in the basement having a party with myself. Wife came down to see what I was up to and we started talking about our loss of
Watson. It totally ruined my party. But in hindsight that's when I started feeling better. No shit. Only today did I realize that it was that issue keeping me depressed. Not the damn storms, not work. Nope, just straight up unacknowledged sorrow and mourning.
So now the next storm comes. There I am battling with winter again. This time I actually went out while it was still snowing and blowing, before the plows even. And I'm workin' and 'blowin' and then I shout into the wind whipped snow 'IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?' followed by a menicial laughter.
Then news of another storm approaching. Shit, well now would be a good day to shovel the roof. So I did. 2.5 hours later I finished. Of course I was a nut and did a 1.25 hour snowshoe prior. Which finally gets me to what I wanted to post originally.
Fun pics, and a gratuitous kid photo.