Sunday, September 24, 2006

One reason I love living where I do is that you can get 14 of these bad boys for under 100$. Yeah baby! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Here is this years crop of gourds. All grew from the gourds I tossed into the compost pile. No work necessary. Cool, eh? Posted by Picasa

Last year I tossed some gourds into my compost pile. This year the seeds took. and took well. This vine and gourd managed to climb a tree, take hold and grow IN the tree. Two gourds grew like this. It was the coolest/ weirdest thing.  Posted by Picasa

Burnin' the pile.  Posted by Picasa

Out of 12 seeds i planted, i got two. Oh well, the seeds were free anyway. Posted by Picasa

Wife's new addition to the stable. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Mt. Katahdin

Mt. Katahdin on leaving day. I took this pic from the window of the float plane on the return trip from Rainbow to Millenockett.Posted by Picasa

Fishermans Warf

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